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loud noises, fear of staying at home alone, travelling, being around other pets, strangers, or children, and fear of abandonment- a number of reasons can cause anxiety in dogs

By- Jm Kushwaha

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Fortunately, anxiety in dogs can be treated successfully, given you know that a dog is anxious.

By- Jm Kushwaha

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Anxious dogs always show some recognizable symptoms. If you think your dog is having anxiety, here are the signs to look out for.

By- Jm Kushwaha

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Observe your dog. Is it constantly scanning the surroundings? Does it refuse to leave your side? Does it keep its ears pricked? Does it watch you intently? If your answers are mostly yes, your pet is anxious.

By- Jm Kushwaha

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if your dog is barking excessively of late, it could be stressed out. Dogs try to scare off their anticipated threats by barking excessively and frantically.

By- Jm Kushwaha

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Another sign that tells that your dog is anxious is avoidance. If it avoids something that is making it nervous, it is trying to avoid the thing that it perceives as dangerous

By- Jm Kushwaha

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Dogs lick themselves for several less serious reasons. But if your dog is licking itself excessively, you must worry. Excessive licking is a symptom of anxiety in dogs. It triggers their brain to release endorphin that puts them at ease and relieves their anxiety.

By- Jm Kushwaha

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Humans dilate their pupils and blink excessively when they are stressed. The same is the case with dogs. When they are stressed, they also blink rapidly and dilate their pupils

By- Jm Kushwaha