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Biden pleased with election turnout, says reflects quality of party's candidates

By- Avnish kushwaha

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Joe Biden said on Sunday he was "incredibly pleased" with the turnout in the U.S. election after Democrats clinched control of the Senate

By- Avnish kushwaha

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Biden said the turnout was a reflection of the quality of candidates his party was fielding

By- Avnish kushwaha

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A Democratic victory in a Georgia runoff next month would then give the party outright majority control of a 51-49 Senate

By- Avnish kushwaha

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The additional seat would mean Democrats could spare a vote on key nominations and bills.

By- Avnish kushwaha

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"We're focusing now on Georgia. We feel good about where we are. And I know I'm a cockeyed optimist. I understand that," Biden told reporters

By- Avnish kushwaha

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Control of the House of Representatives has still not been decided. Biden acknowledged such a victory would be "a stretch" for the Democrats

By- Avnish kushwaha

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The results have also signalled exhaustion with the kind of chaos fomented by the Republican former president

By- Avnish kushwaha

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Biden told reporters the elections showed the Republican Party "is going to have to decide who they are

By- Avnish kushwaha

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The old party is dead. Time to bury it. Build something new," Sen. Josh Hawley tweeted

By- Avnish kushwaha