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Elon Musk has been accused of running Twitter "like a dictator"

By- Jm Kushwaha

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The platform's former head of trust and safety Yoel Roth

By- Jm Kushwaha

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who resigned earlier this month, says that the site has started to stray from adhering to public policy towards decisions made by the tycoon.

By- Jm Kushwaha

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Speaking at an event hosted by the Knight Foundation

By- Jm Kushwaha

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Roth said: "One of my limits was if Twitter starts being ruled dictatorial edict rather than by policy

By- Jm Kushwaha

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there's no longer a need for me in my role, doing what I do."

By- Jm Kushwaha

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Roth has also claimed that Twitter is now less safe in the hands of Musk, who completed a $44 billion takeover of the site last month.

By- Jm Kushwaha

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The former Twitter employee defended the decision to suspend former US president Donald Trump from the site after the US Capitol riots on 6 January last year and pointed out the risk of further incitement of violence.

By- Jm Kushwaha

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He said: "We saw the clearest possible example of what it looked like for things to move from online to off.

By- Jm Kushwaha

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"We saw people dead in the Capitol."

By- Jm Kushwaha

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The decision to ban Trump has been described as a "grave mistake" by Musk after he allowed the controversial politician back on the platform.

By- Jm Kushwaha