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Elon Musk‘s onslaught Monday against Apple Inc. and a cornerstone of the iPhone business empire has set the stage for a potentially bruising battle between the world’s richest man and the world’s most valuable company.

By- Jm Kushwaha

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Apple and its Chief Executive Tim Cook have the ability to hold great sway over Twitter Inc.’s potential success, as the iPhone maker is a major advertiser and tightly controls the software on its App Store

By- Jm Kushwaha

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In a string of tweets accusing Apple of stanching free speech and claiming that the tech giant had threatened to kick the Twitter app off the iPhone

By- Jm Kushwaha

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Mr. Musk introduced a new wrinkle in Apple’s efforts to maintain control over software distribution

By- Jm Kushwaha

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acting as a megaphone for critics who say the company holds too much power through its App Store.

By- Jm Kushwaha

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By calling attention to Apple’s role as a gatekeeper for the App ecosystem

By- Jm Kushwaha

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Mr. Musk is picking up the mantle in the yearslong fight developers have waged against Apple and its fees

By- Jm Kushwaha

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Mr. Musk could bring new focus to the company from lawmakers and regulators around the world,

By- Jm Kushwaha

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Including politicians who have expressed concern that Silicon Valley is silencing conservative voices.

By- Jm Kushwaha

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Apple didn’t respond to requests for comment

By- Jm Kushwaha