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Elon Musk’s Twitter Role Puts Tesla Board Under New Scrutiny

By- Avnish kushwaha

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Since Elon Musk took over Twitter last month, his stewardship of the social network has been marked by turmoil, intrigue and no shortage of questions

By- Avnish kushwaha

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Robyn Denholm, Tesla’s chairwoman, testified in court last week that although she did not know the answer, she was not perturbed

By- Avnish kushwaha

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But as Mr. Musk has become consumed with Twitter, Tesla is facing a range of threats to its business and its stock price has been plunging

By- Avnish kushwaha

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“They’re violating their fiduciary responsibility if they don’t address that issue head on,” said William Klepper

By- Avnish kushwaha

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Tesla’s board has long been criticized by shareholder groups for lacking independence from Mr. Musk

By- Avnish kushwaha

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Now Tesla is facing much fiercer competition, especially in China, a huge market for the company

By- Avnish kushwaha

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Mr. Musk has sold roughly $30 billion of Tesla stock this year and last, in part to help finance his Twitter acquisition

By- Avnish kushwaha

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“I would expect that a good board would be doing everything it can to ensure that a C.E.O. was sufficiently focused on their company,” said Brianna Castro

By- Avnish kushwaha

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In 2018, Tesla paid Mr. Ehrenpreis nearly $10 million, almost all in stock options, to cover three years, for his board duties. He did not respond to requests for comment

By- Avnish Kushwaha