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Israel's Netanyahu officially tapped to form government

By- Avnish kushwaha

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Benjamin "Bibi" Netanyahu is an Israeli politician who served as the ninth prime minister of Israel from 1996 to 1999 and again from 2009 to 2021

By- Avnish kushwaha

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Israel's president officially tapped former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to form a government on Sunday

By- Avnish kushwaha

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Elections earlier this month indicated a clear win for Netanyahu and his ultra-Orthodox and ultranationalist allies and ended the short-lived

By- Avnish kushwaha

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ideologically-diverse government that had ousted him last year after Netanyahu's 12 consecutive years in power

By- Avnish kushwaha

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Netanyahu played down concerns by Israeli liberals and some of the country's international allies that Israel was “entering a dark tunnel” with his expectedc.

By- Avnish kushwaha

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"We will do everything to make this, with God’s help, a stable government, a successful government, a responsible government"he said

By- Avnish kushwaha

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With his allies keen on gaining power and ending the outgoing coalition's rule as soon as possible

By- Avnish kushwaha

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Netanyahu is expected to emerge from negotiations with a stable majority coalition of 64 seats in the 120-member Knesse

By- Avnish kushwaha

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Netanyahu's likely coalition partners have promised to advance a series of legal reforms and to weaken the Supreme Court

By- Avnish Kushwaha