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Near-Earth asteroid tally surpasses 30,000 mark; here’s everything you need to know

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Near-Earth asteroid tally ticks over 30,000 milestone

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The Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) that tracks objects in the outer sky has spotted an asteroid nearly 1.3 kilometers in size heading towards Earth

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Astronomers have found 30,039 near-Earth asteroids in the Solar System – with more than half spotted in the last decade

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There are a number of asteroids and comets whose orbits put them dangerously close to Earth's orbit around the Sun

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None of the near-Earth asteroids found so far are of concern for at least 100 years

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The Near-Earth Object called 138971 (2001 CB21) is on its way to the Sun

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"As this new 30,000 detection milestone shows, and as new telescopes and methods of detection are built, it’s only a matter of time until we’ve found them all."