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‘Planet killer’ asteroids nearly a mile long detected after being hidden by the sun's brightness

By- Jm Kushwaha

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Astronomers have detected three asteroids in close proximity to Earth, two of which pose a potential threat as "planet killers"

By- Jm Kushwaha

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their larger and hazardous size, but don't worry, says a NASA expert, they aren't expected to hurt us.

By- Jm Kushwaha

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the three asteroids – which belong to a group found within the orbits of Earth and Venus

By- Jm Kushwaha

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undetectable via telescope due to the glare and brightness of the sun.

By- Jm Kushwaha

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international space team of astronomers waited until twilight at an observatory in Chile to examine the asteroids using a dark energy camera from a Víctor M. Blanco 4-meter Telescope

By- Jm Kushwaha

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The biggest asteroid is the most hazardous object to prompt a significant risk to Earth in the last eight years,

By- Jm Kushwaha

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One of the asteroids, named 2022 AP7, is a little less than one mile wide but has an orbit that could reach Earth's path in the distant future

By- Jm Kushwaha